Proth primes up to 747197

Proth primes: Primes of the form k * 2^n + 1 where k is odd positive integer and n is a positive integer such that 2^n>k

There is 211 proth primes smaller than 747197.

Checkout proth primes up to: 100, 500, 1000, 10000.


3, 5, 13, 17, 41, 97, 113, 193, 241, 257, 353, 449, 577, 641, 673, 769, 929, 1153, 1217, 1409, 1601, 2113, 2689, 2753, 3137, 3329, 3457, 4481, 4993, 6529, 7297, 7681, 7937, 9473, 9601, 9857, 10369, 10753, 11393, 11777, 12161, 12289, 13313, 13441, 13697, 14081, 14593, 15233, 15361, 16001, 17921, 18433, 19457, 22273, 23041, 23297, 25601, 26113, 26881, 30977, 31489, 32257, 36097, 36353, 37633, 37889, 39937, 40193, 40961, 41729, 43777, 45569, 46337, 49409, 49921, 50177, 51713, 57089, 57601, 58369, 59393, 60161, 61441, 64513, 65537, 67073, 70657, 76289, 76801, 79873, 80897, 81409, 83969, 84481, 86017, 87041, 87553, 95233, 96769, 101377, 102913, 112129, 113153, 114689, 115201, 118273, 119297, 119809, 120833, 125441, 133121, 133633, 136193, 138241, 143873, 147457, 151553, 153089, 155137, 158209, 159233, 161281, 163841, 168449, 170497, 176129, 176641, 183809, 184321, 187393, 188417, 202753, 211457, 211969, 216577, 219649, 220673, 226817, 228353, 232961, 235009, 238081, 240641, 242689, 249857, 251393, 254977, 260609, 270337, 279553, 285697, 286721, 295937, 301057, 307201, 310273, 319489, 320513, 326657, 329729, 331777, 345089, 357377, 365569, 366593, 380929, 384001, 394241, 414721, 417793, 424961, 428033, 430081, 455681, 463873, 464897, 471041, 473089, 495617, 498689, 514049, 520193, 525313, 531457, 534529, 557057, 566273, 572417, 575489, 577537, 592897, 617473, 623617, 638977, 642049, 643073, 649217, 658433, 667649, 673793, 675841, 685057, 694273, 695297, 703489, 706561, 715777, 721921, 724993, 737281, 746497


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