First 253 proth primes

Proth primes: Primes of the form k * 2^n + 1 where k is odd positive integer and n is a positive integer such that 2^n>k

There is 253 proth primes in the database. All known will be shown.

First 253 proth primes have values between 3 and 1038337.

Checkout list of first: 10, 50, 100, 500 proth primes. You can also check all proth primes.


3, 5, 13, 17, 41, 97, 113, 193, 241, 257, 353, 449, 577, 641, 673, 769, 929, 1153, 1217, 1409, 1601, 2113, 2689, 2753, 3137, 3329, 3457, 4481, 4993, 6529, 7297, 7681, 7937, 9473, 9601, 9857, 10369, 10753, 11393, 11777, 12161, 12289, 13313, 13441, 13697, 14081, 14593, 15233, 15361, 16001, 17921, 18433, 19457, 22273, 23041, 23297, 25601, 26113, 26881, 30977, 31489, 32257, 36097, 36353, 37633, 37889, 39937, 40193, 40961, 41729, 43777, 45569, 46337, 49409, 49921, 50177, 51713, 57089, 57601, 58369, 59393, 60161, 61441, 64513, 65537, 67073, 70657, 76289, 76801, 79873, 80897, 81409, 83969, 84481, 86017, 87041, 87553, 95233, 96769, 101377, 102913, 112129, 113153, 114689, 115201, 118273, 119297, 119809, 120833, 125441, 133121, 133633, 136193, 138241, 143873, 147457, 151553, 153089, 155137, 158209, 159233, 161281, 163841, 168449, 170497, 176129, 176641, 183809, 184321, 187393, 188417, 202753, 211457, 211969, 216577, 219649, 220673, 226817, 228353, 232961, 235009, 238081, 240641, 242689, 249857, 251393, 254977, 260609, 270337, 279553, 285697, 286721, 295937, 301057, 307201, 310273, 319489, 320513, 326657, 329729, 331777, 345089, 357377, 365569, 366593, 380929, 384001, 394241, 414721, 417793, 424961, 428033, 430081, 455681, 463873, 464897, 471041, 473089, 495617, 498689, 514049, 520193, 525313, 531457, 534529, 557057, 566273, 572417, 575489, 577537, 592897, 617473, 623617, 638977, 642049, 643073, 649217, 658433, 667649, 673793, 675841, 685057, 694273, 695297, 703489, 706561, 715777, 721921, 724993, 737281, 746497, 747521, 765953, 771073, 772097, 778241, 783361, 786433, 790529, 793601, 795649, 796673, 808961, 812033, 814081, 817153, 833537, 836609, 838657, 854017, 858113, 875521, 878593, 879617, 890881, 904193, 918529, 921601, 925697, 928769, 930817, 946177, 959489, 962561, 964609, 974849, 979969, 986113, 995329, 1017857, 1022977, 1032193, 1038337


1 - 103513174197113193241257
11 - 20353449577641673769929115312171409
21 - 301601211326892753313733293457448149936529
31 - 4072977681793794739601985710369107531139311777
41 - 5012161122891331313441136971408114593152331536116001
51 - 6017921184331945722273230412329725601261132688130977
61 - 7031489322573609736353376333788939937401934096141729
71 - 8043777455694633749409499215017751713570895760158369
81 - 9059393601616144164513655376707370657762897680179873
91 - 100808978140983969844818601787041875539523396769101377
101 - 110102913112129113153114689115201118273119297119809120833125441
111 - 120133121133633136193138241143873147457151553153089155137158209
121 - 130159233161281163841168449170497176129176641183809184321187393
131 - 140188417202753211457211969216577219649220673226817228353232961
141 - 150235009238081240641242689249857251393254977260609270337279553
151 - 160285697286721295937301057307201310273319489320513326657329729
161 - 170331777345089357377365569366593380929384001394241414721417793
171 - 180424961428033430081455681463873464897471041473089495617498689
181 - 190514049520193525313531457534529557057566273572417575489577537
191 - 200592897617473623617638977642049643073649217658433667649673793
201 - 210675841685057694273695297703489706561715777721921724993737281
211 - 220746497747521765953771073772097778241783361786433790529793601
221 - 230795649796673808961812033814081817153833537836609838657854017
231 - 240858113875521878593879617890881904193918529921601925697928769
241 - 2509308179461779594899625619646099748499799699861139953291017857
251 - 260102297710321931038337       
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