Compare 2 vs 4

Unique factors11
Total factors12
Prime factorization2122
Prime factorization22 × 2
Divisors count23
Divisors1, 21, 2, 4
Number of properties261
Additive primes1st 
Bell primes1st 
Chen primes1st 
Class 1+ primes1st 
Dihedral primes1st 
Euclid primes1st 
Factorial primes1st 
Fibonacci primes1st 
Isolated primes1st 
Kynea primes1st 
Left-truncatable primes1st 
Lucas primes1st 
Mills primes1st 
Multiplicative primes1st 
Palindromic primes1st 
Pierpont primes1st 
Pierpont primes of the 2nd kind1st 
Quartan primes1st 
Restricted left-truncatable primes1st 
Right-truncatable primes1st 
Semiprimes 1st
Sophie germain primes1st 
Thabit primes1st 
Two-sided primes1st 
Ulam primes1st 
Wedderburn-etherington primes1st 
Roman numberalsIIIV
Base 21021002
Base 323113
Base 424104
Base 52545
Base 62646
Base 72747
Base 82848
Base 92949
Base 10210410
Base 11211411
Base 12212412
Base 13213413
Base 14214414
Base 15215415
Base 16216416
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