Compare 12278 vs 12289

Typecomposite numberprime
Unique factors31
Total factors31
Prime factorization21 × 71 × 8771122891
Prime factorization2 × 7 × 87712289
Divisors count82
Divisors1, 2, 7, 14, 877, 1754, 6139, 122781, 12289
Number of properties09
Cuban primes 2 13th
Emirps 337th
Isolated primes 989th
Pierpont primes 27th
Primes 1470th
Proth primes 42nd
Pythagorean primes 725th
Solinas primes 79th
Thabit primes of the 2nd kind 6th
Roman numberals  
Base 2101111111101102110000000000012
Base 312121120231212120113
Base 42333312430000014
Base 534310353431245
Base 613250261325216
Base 7505407505547
Base 8277668300018
Base 9177529177649
Base 1012278101228910
Base 11925211926211
Base 12713212714112
Base 13578613579413
Base 14469014469b14
Base 15398815399415
Base 162ff616300116
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